Monday, May 31, 2010

What Kind of File Folders Are Best for Organizing In a Law Office?


"What Kind of File Folders Are Best for Organizing In a Law Office?"
Whether to use manila or pressboard folders depends on your preference or budget. Using the right products and filing systems can speed up retrieval time, reduce misfiling and eliminate the embarrassment of the inability to find files. Manila folders cost considerably less than pressboard, but generally can only be used once. It can also depend on how voluminous your files will get. If it’s a big case and you anticipate a lot of documents, you may find it easier to use manila folders in order to break down the file categories making retrieval manageable and organized. For pleadings/discovery files, I recommend using Acco® Presstex® Top Bound folders, which accommodate a large number of pleadings. Pressboard is great because the folders can be used again. In addition, when files are handled frequently, these folders are sturdier and more durable than manila folders. If you decide to use pressboard folders and plan to reuse them, I would advise purchasing Avery® Removable File Folder Labels to be able to remove and replace labels with ease. I also recommend using Smead® Expanding File Pocket Folders or Redweld® (aka bucket files or redwells) which gives you the ability to manage multiple files, keeping them all together and organized.

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